According to the official website Kickstarter, during the existence of the crowdfunding platform since 2009, more than $ 5.7 billion has been raised from 19 million investors.

Almost 200,000 projects around the world have been successfully funded with these funds.

Crowdfunding is very popular because it helps to easily find investors for your project or, conversely, to support the launch of an interesting product, movie, music album, video game, and more.

“What if you create Kickstarter yourself?” – we thought and decided to show you live all the stages of developing a crowdfunding project on .NET 5.

The series of live coding sessions will consist of 6 workshops lasting 1 hour. You will have the opportunity to write code and, if necessary, ask questions to an expert.

📢 Who is the speaker?

Dmytro Rastoropov – Software Engineer at Innovecs.

Stanislav Felinskyi – Software Architect (Solution) at Innovecs.

👤 For whom?

It will be interesting for back-end engineers who specialize or want to deepen their skills in the full development cycle on .NET 5, from idea to finished product. Recommended qualification level – Middle and Senior.

⁉ What about?
Every developer who has ideas for their own startup at least once thought about hypothesis testing and fundraising, the best for this is a crowdfunding platform. The creators of such sites also benefit from a small commission on each project or advertisement.


Step 1: Get started  (22.04 – 19:00)

  • functional description of the project: user registration/authorization, user profile settings;
  • creation and updating of the project, archiving of the project, investment in the project;
  • definition of a set of tools and technologies: MS SQL, Redis, .NET 5, xUnit;
  • project structure definition: DAL, BL, Auth, API, UnitTests;
  • formation of structure and creation of database models (Entities classes);
  • database context + database structure (ModelBuilder configurations).


Step 2: TDD in practice (29.04 – 19:00)

  • implementation of repositories for working with the database;
  • creation of interfaces for projects and users;
  • writing tests for projects and users;
  • implementation of interfaces for projects and users.


Step 3: Session management with Redis  (06.05 – 19:00)

  • identity implementation;
  • setting up and implementing session management;
  • implementation of REST API (projects, users).


Step 4:  Integration test (+ API documentation) (13.05 – 19:00)

  • integration tests with Docker (test environment-docker).


Step 5: Azure cloud Infrastructure (20.05 – 19:00)

  • Azure Cosmos DB (MS SQL) settings;
  • Azure App Service settings;
  • Azure Traffic Manager settings;
  • Azure Cache settings for Redis (for session management).


Step 6: Setting CI / CD to C # (27.05 – 19:00)

  • division of configuration into Development and Production;
  • configure the Nuke build project to build and publish the system to Azure;